Austin Galante

Austin Galante is a music producer, vocalist, Director, and actor. Austin has worked on songs with artists such as Cee Lo Green, Rick Ross, #0 of Slipknot, Slim Kid Tre of Farside, Sean Kingston, Yukmouth of Luniz, Dizzy Wright, Young Buck, Jeff Ryon, and many others. He has produced and directed over 25 music videos and just finished writing, producing, scoring, and directing his first feature film.

Austin likes looking into the darkness, coating it with candy, and luring you in. Creating fresh perspectives and exploring them. Finding moments in life that people often hide from the world or pretend aren't happening, and discuss them with a narrative. My goal is to create a conversation around certain norms and expectations; sometimes destroying them and sometimes nurturing their growth.

Your project has entered in our festival. What is your project about?
Suite Killing Machines is about two hitmen who are put in the same hotel Suite the night before they execute a contract. It's about them getting to know each other and the ridiculousness that ensues.

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What are your ambitions with your project?
I just wanted my mom to watch it. Since shes seen it, I'm good. Pretty sure that means I've made it. Nowhere else to go but down.

Tell us something about your shooting? What pleasantly surprised you?
The entire movie was shot in three fourteen hour days. I was pleasantly surprised we were able to pull it off. I had three days of budget for it and I really wasn't sure if I would get it all shot. But we did. I did a lot of pre-planning and it worked out. I was lucky to have Doug Montoya who brought in a new actor in the last minute when one of the main ones flaked.

For what group of spectators is your film targeted?
I think the film is probably for people who like raunchy humor and art films.

Why should distributors buy your film?
Distributors should buy my film so my mom can watch it again on some obscure-commercial filled-streaming channel. Makes it feel more real.

How would you specify your work? What characterizes your film?
Suite Killing Machines is a grimy-crime-comedy-caper.

Why did you decided to become a filmmaker?
I made a movie on accident and I liked doing it; so I'm making another one.

I had made a lot of music videos before, and one drunken night, I decided with a friend that I would write a script and we would film it. 2 months later we made a movie.

Who is your role model?
I don't really have a role model. I do have some film makers that I am inspired by their work. David Lynch, Guy Richie, Guillermo Del Toro, Tarantino, Martin Scorsese, Wes Anderson, Joel Coen, Aaron Sorkin, Olicer Stone, probably some others. There are a lot of talented people out there.

Which movies are your favorites? Why?
Some of my favorite movies are Paul, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Hateful Eight, Snatch, Long shot, Army of Darkness, Ocean's 11, Blue Velvet, Spaceballs, O Brother Where Art Thou, Big Lebowski, Casino, Carlito's Way, Natural Born Killers, Shawshank Redemption, Trainspotting, Harry Potter, Leon The Professional, Thor Love and Thunder, Get Out, Django Unchained, No Country for Old Men.

I like them because I like clever writing, interesting acting, original concept,s and shots that are well lit in interesting ways.

Which topics interest you the most?
All topics interest me. Some are easier to write about because they trigger less people. But I like taking a look at what some perceive as darkness and cover it in candy.

What do you consider your greatest achievement in your career?
My greatest achievements in my career would probably be doing songs featuring Cee Lo Green, #0 of slipknot, Silm Kid tre of Farcyde, Snoop Dogg, playing on Warped Tour, DeLuna Fest, and making Suite Killing Machines.

What do you consider most important about filming?
That is a very broad question. I could take that a lot of ways, but...telling andinteresting story with clever dialogue. And if it's not lit well, I'm usually irritated by it no matter what the writing is like.

Which film technique of shooting do you consider the best?
I don't think there is a best technique. If you are asking about cinematic techniques, then I think they all have a time and place. You can't do one technique a lot because you like it, or it will quickly become awkward and annoying for the viewer. You have to be inside the movie before it's made and feel how it makes you feel. Then use the technique that conveys that feeling the best.

How would you rate/What is your opinion about current filmmaking?
There is way too much film making to just rate it as a whole. There are so many film makers making such a wide variety of films. Different people like different things, so I think that is great. I would say that film making has become so readily available for just about anyone and this has created an enormous amount of poorly done content; because of budget constraints or lack of training. I'm guilty of it. We can all practice and then show the world our no budget practice session.

On the flip side, because there is so much content and so many places to consume it, big budget studios are more afraid to take chances. They want to make their 200 million dollars back so if it's edgy or gritty, that feels like a risk. But Deadpool did just fine.

What can disappoint you in a movie?
Cliche writing, bad acting and bad lighting. When all the dialogue is there simply to get to the next explosion, I'm bored.

Who supports you in your film career?
My wife and friends definitely have been supportive. I most certainly couldn't do it without them, for a variety of reasons.

What are the reactions to your film? (opinion of spectators, film critics, friends and family)
It's not available to the general public yet, but of those who have seen it at festivals and the premiere, I think some people like it. Some people probably think it's boring, Some people are probably a bit offended and some think it's hilarious. The joys of art.

Have you already visited any of the prestigious film festivals?
I have not. I don't have the money to do that. I'm going to spend my money on making a higher budget film next year.

What are your future plans in filmmaking carriere?
In 7 months I'm filming my next movie called "Sanguine Teeth on a Driftless Road". I'm excited that I get to work with a bunch of well known comedians and some talented budding actors. And... I've sort of formed and informal team of film makers, so we are going to help each other make each others movies. That should keep us from getting bored for the foreseeable future.