
Dhilipkumar was an IT professional earlier. He was working at IBM. He quit his IBM job in 2013 and followed his dream to be a filmmaker. He directed, Produced and acted in his first feature film Gubeer(2014). Gubeer got Good Word of mouth and was critically acclaimed. He completed his second Project upcoming Tamil Feature Film Dhill Dhilip in May 2023. He did the lead role in Dhill Dhilip. He produced, written, directed, edited, did vfx and sfx, did english subtitle, DI coloured, Choreographed the stunts and dance for Dhill Dhilip. Dhill Dhilip is based on True Events. The Movie is a Motivational Comedy Drama Inspiring Highly Entertaining Genre.

Your project has entered in our festival. What is your project about?
First thing, I'm very happy that My Project "Dhill Dhilip" has entered into your prestigious Event "London Directors Award". My Project Dhill Dhilip is about Realistic Inspirational. A Positive Film. Motivating the people who want to follow their desires or dreams. An Inspirational story about aspiring filmmaker Dhilip's journey in Kollywood Film industry.


What are your ambitions with your project?
My Ambition with this project is to connect with the people in the world. Different Race, religion, caste, Language but We are all Human. I'm trying my best to make movies to tell my people to treat everyone equally. My project will do that.


Tell us something about your shooting? What pleasantly surprised you?
We have been shooting this film for the last 10 years. It's like a biography of Myself Dhilip. Kinda My last 10 years journey. Shooting happens whenever we have money and availability of actors, technicians and locations. My Pleasant Surprise is, I was kinda zero in film direction 10 years earlier when I started My first day of shoot but now I'm a full fledge Film Director. Not just director better say Full fledged Filmmaker. I learnt everything by myself. That's kinda surprise but the pleasant surprise is we made our stunts by ourself in our film.


For what group of spectators is your film targeted?
The Dreamers, The people who are losing their hopes, The Youngsters, The present generation and overall My film is for all kinda ages. My film Dhill Dhilip entertains the audience highly as well as encourages them to live a happy healthy honest life.

Why should distributors buy your film?
The Positivity of My Film. The world is a beautiful place but somehow we are distracted by violance, guns, drugs, alcohol, pornography, corruption and many. My film is a feel good Honest happy One. People need that Positivity to ignore the bad things to lead their peaceful happy life. My film gives that happy feel good hope.

How would you specify your work? What characterizes your film?
Honesty. Positivity. Determination. Dedication. Passion. Never Give Up. Truth. Happiness. Friends and Family. My Film characterizes being grateful for whay you are and what you have.

Why did you decided to become a filmmaker?
Not Me. My Father did. Hahahaha Kinda Crazy right. Let me explain. When I was 6, My father left us and ran away. My mother left me in Hostel. The good thing is at least they gave me good knowledge hence I survived and studied well and became topper of my school. Joined Engineering and got placed in IBM. Since My engineering college days, I got the idea of becoming an actor in hollywood. Ofcource Tom hanks Brad pitt johnny depp tom cruise and many others influenced me but still i get this inner thoughts like I'm an engineer but why I'm getting this celeb filmmaker thought. Anyhow, I didn't mind Much. I worked in different companies like IBM,HCL,TCS,CTS and settled down with my family. At one point 2013, I thought, If i don't do now then I never will. I quit My job and started following My dream to become a filmmaker. I directed My first film called "Gubeer" (2014). The movie was critically Acclaimed. Good Word of mouth. Media was praising my film. Here My Uncle, brother of My mother called me from nowhere on the phone and wished me for my directorial debut. He's wishing me for the film's good word of mouth. There he opens the mysterious truth. He was questioning me like, You know why your father left you all and ran away? I said, I don't know, How would I know? None of you have told me anything about his runaway. Seriously, I dont have a clue. Then My uncle said, He abandoned you all and ran away to become a film director but he didn't. Nobody knows where he is now. even nobody knows he's dead or alive. How late is he telling me the truth? Bullshit. Anyhow After My talk with my uncle, I got to know, this is not my dream. My father's dream. One part of my mind say, This father guy ruined my peaceful engineering life but my other part of my mind say, "at least I'm achieving his desires". Kinda scary genetic truth. You can't escape from your Destiny.


Who is your role model?
I had Many like Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington, Daniel Day lewis, Sylvester stallone, Sam mendes, Russel crowe, Mel Gibson, Brad pitt, Robert zemeckis, Tom cruise and blah blah blah. At one point I realized All this Hollywood, celebs and oscar awards are scripted. Nothing is real and truly honoured. 2002 Academy Award, A beautiful Mind russel crowe did good in acting performance than Denzel washington in Training day. They gave oscar to Denzel washington because to compensate his 1992 Malcom X oscar loss to Scent of women Al pacino. Everything is scripted and staged. All Politics. This has all made me lose my belief, craze, role model stuff in this industry. I choose Myself as My own role model. I live an honest healthy pure life hence I'm My own Role Model.

Which movies are your favorites? Why?
Forrest Gump, A Pursuit of Happyness, The Aviator, A cinderella man, Dhill Dhilip, Braveheart and Many. Why are these all My Favourites? One word "Inspiring".

Where do you look for inspiration for your films?
The Reality. The Truth. These celebs and Movies are my only inspirations. My Real inspirations are every common man in our street, village, Towns, cities, country and our living neighbourhoods. The drainage cleaners, The farmers, The computer engineers, The businessman and all kinda disciplined hard workers. They wake up early in the morning, They work hard till the dawn to feed their family and pay the tax for their country. I get inspired a lot by them and their honest disciplined day to day activities.

Which topics interest you the most?
Fun. Friends and Family. Feel Good. Realistic. True Events.

What do you consider your greatest achievement in your career?
Living, Loving and Learning Everyday. Our world is producing 100s of 1000's of new things everyday. We gotta be updated better say upgraded. Learning something new everyday is kinda achievement.

What do you consider most important about filming?
Telling the truth. The Emotions. Passion. The Honesty of your story telling. Even If you are telling a fictional story, give your honesty in that. Make it believable. Make it professional. Don't just make a movie like a kindergarten kids. TO be honest, Nowadays Kids are making better movies than some stupid adults. When you create something, give your 100%. That will justify the importance of filmmaking.

Which film technique of shooting do you consider the best?
Early Plan and apply Technique. I believe in Prevention is better than cure. If you are perfect in your pre production then nothing to worry about your production and post production. The final outcome will be better than what you expected.

How would you rate/What is your opinion about current filmmaking?
Big and wide open opportunities for creative people. Current filmmaking is easier compared to early days but the out products are 80% crap like green matte Marvel Movies. Most of the current movies are CGI, Unethical, Unemotional, Unfunny and soulless. But Still Beautiful and meaningful masterpiece movies are coming once in a while like Parasite.

What can disappoint you in a movie?
Dishonesty, Unrealistic, Unprofessional. Unfunny, Unemotional, Bad script, Bad Acting and all kinda fake stuff.

Who supports you in your film career?
God, Friends and Family.

What are the reactions to your film? (opinion of spectators, film critics, friends and family)
THe Cult. We haven't seen a movie like this. Broke all the grammars of filmmaking. Extremely Entertaining and Very realistic. One of the best of last decade. One of the greatest of All Time in the world.

Have you already visited any of the prestigious film festivals?
Not Yet. I just completed my film by the end of june 2023. i started submitting my film to festivals. I have already won 20+ Awards so far. Hope My movie will reach higher.

What are your future plans in filmmaking carriere?
To make a difference. I have written Two feature film scripts. Bounded. Started Writing two web series. Shaping my body and mind everyday to become one of the greatest actors of all time. If everything goes well, I will start my own film industry in my hometown Madurai, Tamilnadu, India. Definitely will happen at the right time. I believe in "Your life is shaped by your thoughts" Hence Think Positive.
