Robert Xavier Clark

Xavier Clark is the writer and director of "Black People Don't Tango;" a short film loosely adapted from his short story of the same name. He is a graduate of the University of Georgia with professional experience in real estate, finance, and hospitality and is currently pursuing his juris doctorate. Creatively, Xavier hopes to option his feature-length screenplay for "Black People Don't Tango" and to work on additional projects in the future as a writer-director."

Your project has entered in our festival. What is your project about?
The short film is about a doctor who happens to be African American who visits Argentina with his wife. A disastrous dance with his wife takes place, he has never danced,not even on his wedding day! His journey to overcoming his fear is what the film is about


What are your ambitions with your project?
"Black People Don't Tango" was my first film, so naturally I learned a tremendous amount about shooting films; I'm super jealous of people that go to film school. Pretty much every second was memorable because it was my first film. Setting up a dance floor in "Argentina" was particularly memorable. But I think it would surprise most people to find out how much preparation and work goes into even what at first glance seems like a simple shot in a scene. The lighting, cadence of the scene, little details about what's happening can completely change the shot.

Tell us something about your shooting? What pleasantly surprised you?
I was asked to complete this project by my mother from a short story turned feature script she published and wanted to shop around. We shot it in two weekends with some friends and literally no budget. What surprised me? We pulled it off!


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For what group of spectators is your film targeted?

The main goal of the film has always been about upending stereotypes and piquing attention in a very subtle, almost innocuous way. But once that happens, I really hope people laugh when they watch the film! When it's over though I hope that people take away a positive message about the role of determination and passion in achieving goals and how the people around you influence your world.

Why should distributors buy your film?
Because it is funny and original.

How would you specify your work? What characterizes your film?
There are stereotypes we hold whether we know it or not. We were striving to address them with humor. We all have that one thing that if we tackle it with the goal of success in mind it changes everything.
Why did you decided to become a filmmaker?
I am working on becoming an attorney, I look to take on a challenge to keep me in the creative zone.

Who is your role model?
My sister Jeska. She is doing some phenomenal things.
Which movies are your favorites? Why?
Way too many to list here. Good cinematography, strong setting; they go a long way with me.

Where do you look for inspiration for your films?
I certainly have several favorite directors (no particular order, and definitely non-exhaustive): Guy Ritchie, Michael Mann, Spike Lee, Christopher Nolan, Dennis Villenue, Will Packer, Oliver Stone, Scorsese, Soderbergh, Baz.

What do you consider your greatest achievement in your career?
Hopefully walking across the stage to get my law degree in a few weeks

Who supports you in your film career?
My family, production team, especially my editor Stan Arthur and Lucinda Clark my producer

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