Tim Brown, Jacob Dalton
Tim Brown & Jacob Dalton are a team of filmmakers currently filming a series of short films that will form a horror anthology feature all about vicarious trauma, violence in imagery and snuff films. They have a number of feature films in development and are seeking like-minded filmmakers, partners and financial backing. They have a taste for the macabre and enjoy shocking and challenging cinema of all genres.
Learn more about Tim and Jacob:
https://www.imdb.com/name/nm13635190/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk Tim Brown
https://www.imdb.com/name/nm13635191/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk Jacob Dalton
Your project has entered in our festival. What is your project about?
Jacob - The film is about a young man who is finding London incredibly stressful and decides to take a little trip to the not so safe Welsh countryside.
Tim – We wanted to take a fairly simple horror tale and twist it with ideas about toxic masculinity, ego, imposter syndrome and empathy or lack thereof.
Learn more about Tim and Jacob:
https://www.imdb.com/name/nm13635190/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk Tim Brown
https://www.imdb.com/name/nm13635191/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk Jacob Dalton
Your project has entered in our festival. What is your project about?
Jacob - The film is about a young man who is finding London incredibly stressful and decides to take a little trip to the not so safe Welsh countryside.
Tim – We wanted to take a fairly simple horror tale and twist it with ideas about toxic masculinity, ego, imposter syndrome and empathy or lack thereof.
What are your ambitions with your project?
Jacob - To enter festivals and have our film seen by as many people as possible with an aim to finding future funding for a feature.
Tim – The Lonely Body is the second in a series of short films that are thematically linked and could go together to form a very twisted horror anthology.
Tell us something about your shooting? What pleasantly surprised you?
Jacob - Discovering that I can do this filmmaking thing, and quite well too.
Tim – We were filming on location, in the Welsh mountains and very much up against the elements. We had torrential rain, howling wind, then short periods of intense sunshine before another storm. What surprised me was how, in the face of adversity the cast and crew came together to do everything to get this film done. The cast agreed to stay longer, and the accommodation place let us stay for a ridiculously small fee. I think, at the heart of it, people really want you to succeed.
For what group of spectators is your film targeted?
Jacob - If you like Michael Hanneke, you might like us. The psychological horror lovers.
Tim – Anyone with a taste for the macabre and a very strange sense of humour.
Why should distributors buy your film?
Jacob - Because our 1st and 2nd films are just us stretching.
Tim – Like Jacob said, if you like what you've seen so far.. You ain't seen nothing yet!
How would you specify your work? What characterizes your film?
Jacob - Make em (the audience) feel uneasy.
Tim – We want you to come away from our films like you've been on an extreme roller coaster. You have a massive smile on your face but you desperately need a new pair of underpants.
Why did you decided to become a filmmaker?
Jacob - Enough is enough. I must try. Let's see where dreaming can take me.
Tim - I've always been filmmaking in one way or another since I could get my hands on a video camera, but I've always had a reason why I couldn't possibly show what I made. Like Jacob said I think I have just come to that point in my life where I just have to share my films and let the audience decide.
Who is your role model?
Jacob - Orson Welles
Tim - There are so many great filmmakers but there's a special place in my heart from my indie cinema heart for Robert Rodriguez. His book, Rebel Without a Crew is like the indie filmmakers bible.
Jacob - Orson Welles
Tim - There are so many great filmmakers but there's a special place in my heart from my indie cinema heart for Robert Rodriguez. His book, Rebel Without a Crew is like the indie filmmakers bible.
Which movies are your favorites? Why?
Jacob - King of New York; Walkens charisma. The Age Of Innocence; the camera movement, the lighting, Scorsese's most beautiful film. Citizens Kane; cinematic virtuosity.
Tim – I love Jaws, American Werewolf, Evil Dead, The Exorcist, Before Sunrise Trilogy. I think though the most formative film for me is probably David Lynch's Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me; I was so mad at that film when I first watched it because it completely belies audience expectation. All those loose ends just waiting to be tied up from the show and it ignores them all and instead Lynch serves up something much more sinister and haunting. That film that I hated so much on first viewing is probably the film most engrained in my nightmares.
Where do you look for inspiration for your films?
Jacob - From every film I've ever seen.
Tim – The Cinema is my Church.
Which topics interest you the most?
Jacob - Lonely, isolated, alienated men.
Tim – Things that challenge my expectations or interfere with my moral opinions.
What do you consider your greatest achievement in your career?
Jacob - Each film made is the next greatest achievement.
Tim – Picking up a camera in order to tell a story.
What do you consider most important about filming?
Jacob- Know what you're doing
Tim – Preparation and perspiration.
Which film technique of shooting do you consider the best?
Jacob - Passionate filmmaking is the best type of filmmaking.
Tim – Jacob is on to something there. There is no one shooting technique that is better than another. The trick is to find the right technique to tell your story with passion.
How would you rate/What is your opinion about current filmmaking?
Tim – There are some amazing films being released both theatrically and streaming. I think the argument against popcorn cinema and comic book movies is a bit of a waste of time. Those movies get people into the cinema and pay to keep the doors and the studios open and that allows for other more interesting and challenging films to be made. That being said it's a bugger to find something decent through the sea of crap on Netflix.
What can disappoint you in a movie?
Jacob - A disappointing final third.
Tim – A film that lacks the conviction to tell it's own story. A film without guts. Lazy Cinema.
Who supports you in your film career?
Jacob - My friends, family and my partner has my back like a beast.
Tim – Same as Jacob plus all the filmmakers that have gone before us.
Jacob - King of New York; Walkens charisma. The Age Of Innocence; the camera movement, the lighting, Scorsese's most beautiful film. Citizens Kane; cinematic virtuosity.
Tim – I love Jaws, American Werewolf, Evil Dead, The Exorcist, Before Sunrise Trilogy. I think though the most formative film for me is probably David Lynch's Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me; I was so mad at that film when I first watched it because it completely belies audience expectation. All those loose ends just waiting to be tied up from the show and it ignores them all and instead Lynch serves up something much more sinister and haunting. That film that I hated so much on first viewing is probably the film most engrained in my nightmares.
Where do you look for inspiration for your films?
Jacob - From every film I've ever seen.
Tim – The Cinema is my Church.
Which topics interest you the most?
Jacob - Lonely, isolated, alienated men.
Tim – Things that challenge my expectations or interfere with my moral opinions.
What do you consider your greatest achievement in your career?
Jacob - Each film made is the next greatest achievement.
Tim – Picking up a camera in order to tell a story.
What do you consider most important about filming?
Jacob- Know what you're doing
Tim – Preparation and perspiration.
Which film technique of shooting do you consider the best?
Jacob - Passionate filmmaking is the best type of filmmaking.
Tim – Jacob is on to something there. There is no one shooting technique that is better than another. The trick is to find the right technique to tell your story with passion.
How would you rate/What is your opinion about current filmmaking?
Tim – There are some amazing films being released both theatrically and streaming. I think the argument against popcorn cinema and comic book movies is a bit of a waste of time. Those movies get people into the cinema and pay to keep the doors and the studios open and that allows for other more interesting and challenging films to be made. That being said it's a bugger to find something decent through the sea of crap on Netflix.
What can disappoint you in a movie?
Jacob - A disappointing final third.
Tim – A film that lacks the conviction to tell it's own story. A film without guts. Lazy Cinema.
Who supports you in your film career?
Jacob - My friends, family and my partner has my back like a beast.
Tim – Same as Jacob plus all the filmmakers that have gone before us.